Edge Fund!

We are so grateful to the Edge Fund for awarding us with another grant of £1000. We will be meeting in the new year to discuss our plans for spending.

The Edge Fund focuses its grantgiving on grassroots groups and campaigns that would ordinarily find it difficult to receive money from traditional and mainstream funders. Our work at Mad Insight casts a critical lens upon the mental health system as we know it and the biomedical, pro-pharmaceutical, coercive models which dominate the mental healthcare landscape. We wouldn’t be easily considered for mainstream funding that rests upon these types of approaches.

We are proud to be among the courageous and radical groups who have been awarded funding in Round 16 and we aim to extend our reach and our impact with this money.

Back to work by Anon

I guess it’s not healthy to hold all the power in the world within a head, just to lazily circumvent the need to match up expectations with what’s happening. Instead I find myself dreaming again of Vladimir, choking him unconscious but whispering something sweet in his ear as he goes under. more “Back to work by Anon”

podcast project: get involved!

One of the projects we’re involved in is the production of a podcast series. It’s a learning curve for us – but we love to learn!

Here is a wee taster – a first interview which we recorded as a practice run. It’s rough and ready, and not connected to any podcast platforms. We’re still working behind the scenes to get the podcast series up and running.

You can listen here to the taster episode.

If you would like to get involved or to suggest any content ideas, we would love to hear from you: just get in touch.

Meanwhile, watch this space for more information as the podcast series takes shape.

welcome to our new website

So here it finally is: madinsight.online!

It has been months in the making – not because of any particular complexity, but mainly due to good old-fashioned personal time constraints. However we hope it will serve its purpose: to grow our membership and to contribute to the mad movement.

We are so grateful to the Edge Fund for supporting us in their Funding Round 15, with a grant that has allowed us to invest in this new platform.

And big thanks go to Alex for his steadfast tech support and his unfailingly sweet-natured cheerleading from the sidelines. It has been really comforting when the challenges of web hosting and site design felt overwhelming.

Please enjoy looking around. Please also consider becoming a member. And please do get in touch with any suggestions or ideas.