A totally anonymous, somewhat fictional group for those who have slipped into diverse psychological realms and have something or nothing to say about it.
Reflecting on Mad experiences can be a daunting endeavour, not helped by a dominant culture in which we are often encouraged to bury what we’ve been through as a source of shame. However, just as dreams have a lot to teach us about our waking lives, non-consensus manifestations of distress are likely to be fertile grounds for making sense of the world we share with each other. Accidental Psychonauts Anonymous seeks to be a space in which we can begin to test this ground, planting some seeds from which to grow the respect necessary to consider our relationships with Madness, whether positive, negative or ambivalent.
It currently operates anonymously because hopefully this offers the best means to voice potentially difficult perspectives, if you want to be credited though just say. All that is required is that it fits in with the Mad Code found on Mad Insight’s homepage, so whilst challenging other’s perspectives is encouraged, don’t denounce or demean them. If that all sounds a bit serious, remember the main purpose is to have fun and collaboratively create a space in which we can look at things in whichever way might come naturally.
If you think you would like to scribble something out but are wondering where to start then bear in mind that the aim of this forum is not to subscribe to a permanent reckoning with what Madness is but to playfully collaborate so we can evolve our understandings, both personal and shared. That means if you submit something and then change your mind, just get back in touch and your piece will happily be amended or removed.
There’s also scope to share a song or a video at the end of your posting, it could be something that grabbed your attention and sparked your inspiration to write or just something that you think is worth sharing.
Good luck and all the best.